Tuesday 6 December 2011

Oops: I'm being irrational

My favourite thing today? That sudden 'clunk' in your mind, as you realize you've left the rational behind and are acting on some other sphere ...

For me, this moment came when I was on the phone to CityLink* trying to sort out a complicated story involving me, deposits made into my CitiLink account, and an alarming Final Notice which had just arrived in the mail. Having been cut off by Optus** mid-way through a conversation with a quite-nice-seeming person called Jessica, I was explaining the whole sorry business again to a not-quite-so-nice person called Ben, when I suddenly burst into tears.

So while part of me is attempting to conclude this important conversation through tears, snot and Kleenex***, another part is asking - "What's going on? Get a grip! Oh boy are you being irrational right now! Shouldn't you be embarrassed? Yep ... here it comes: embarrassment!"

Thankfully, one small part of my brain had retained its grip on reality and was able to reassert control: "OK, so you're crying. Big deal. Ben doesn't know who you are. Come on, sweetheart, just pull yourself together. That's the way!" This same small part of my brain toyed with bribing me back into good behaviour with Green and Black's chocolate****, but rejected the idea in the interests of health. (No, I lie: it was because I'd have had to go to the shop to get some, and I couldn't be bothered, what with the snot and the Kleenex and everything.)

Anyway, I stopped crying, Ben and I were able to wrestle the overdue business under control, we parted on good terms and I am left sitting here, asking: "What the ...?" and wishing I were one of those people who would quite happily dose themselves into vegetation with Valium*****.

What am I taking away from this little story? I think it's time for the Catie-equivalent of "a Bex and a good lie-down", which for me today means "a cup of tea and re-watching the last season's finale of Dr Who".******

Irrationality: part of being human.


* The corporation who allow us to drive on 'their' roads in exchange for our money
** The corporation who allows us to make mobile phone calls in exchange for money - without even charging extra for the additional excitement factor of not knowing when one will be unexpectedly severed from communications
*** The corporation who provides tissue products created to deal precisely with this type of situation
**** The corporation who peddle delectable organic chocolate, which I'm quite happy to exchange money for
***** Produced by the Roche corporation, according to http://biopsychiatry.com/drugcompanies/ - you learn something new every day!
****** Yes, no doubt I could reference a few more corporations here, but it's grown a bit old - wouldn't you agree?

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