Friday 17 June 2011

Half Marathon Training: One Week Down

Phew: it's Friday, and the first 'rest day' in my training regime for the Melbourne half-marathon on 9th October - it's time to look back over the past seven days, and reflect on where this journey's taken me so far.

What a week it's been! My body's held up well; no lingering soreness, aching or tenderness, no blisters, and - most importantly - no injuries. In fact, my immune system seems to have received a boost: the jury's still out as to whether it was an allergy reaction or the shortest cold in history, but I went to bed feeling lousy on Tuesday evening, woke up at 3:22am with a streaming nose, and was completely recovered less than twelve hours later.

I've been able to stick with the miCoach training plan pretty well. Distance is never an issue, but speed is; I seem to be able to run for as long as I want, but there are definite limits on how fast I can push myself. Perhaps my body believes there's a Catie-centric universal invariant similar to c? No, that would be ridiculous ... though I'd like to hear Dr Sheldon Cooper's thoughts on the matter! Anyone who's met me won't be surprised by my lack of speed: I'm not a tall person, and my legs are short for even my height. I'm never going to be a sprinter, and that's fine by me.

Over the last two days it's sunk in that I'm attempting something new. Throughout my life I've chosen to take on various intellectual challenges, and my health has forced me to face significant emotional trials. Training for this half marathon will be the hardest physical test I've ever set myself.

One week down, sixteen to go, and a lot of ground to cover - physically and mentally - inbetween.

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