Saturday 25 June 2011

Half Marathon Training: Two Weeks In

At the end of my second week of training, I can feel my body's rapid changes to this new regime, and have learnt something new about myself.

My body's going through a rapid phase of muscle growth and is needing a lot of protein to fuel this. As a vegetarian, I need to plan my daily nutrition carefully around my run, ensuring I eat a protein-rich snack before and after each training session, especially the longer ones. I'm also craving carbs morning, noon and night: have to watch those late night cravings very carefully!

As to the training itself, I have just four new words to type: I hate sprint intervals. Thankfully, my training program doesn't require them of me often.

I've been feeling quite down in the dumps this week, but have managed to keep up my training regime. I'm quietly proud of this. I haven't missed a single run, though I did rearrange a couple of days to take into account varying energy levels.

Onwards and upwards!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. I'm enjoying following your progress. My daughter and son in law have tricky phones and are usuing them to track their running. Fascinating. I'm still just plodding along. Ran along the lake in the beautiful sunshine today. Two days running in a row which is not my usual slack self. Legs complained but funnily enough it's now a couple of hours later that the feeling of strength has set in.
    Keep running, Catie. You're an inspiration.

  2. Thanks Glenys! Your encouragement and kind words are truly valued, I "treasure up all these things and hold them in my heart" :)
