Tuesday 4 October 2011


That's it: the "I'm here" fuse in my brain has blown.

I'm experiencing a disconcerting sensation of not having an innate sense of where I am.

This has with me since we went to Sydney last week. I think it's because I only moved from Adelaide to Melbourne six months ago, and then suddenly found myself in another city - um ... that's all sounding a little feeble, isn't it?

But I just don't have a sense of where "here" is. I saw a story on the news about a nearby suburb in Melbourne and it felt a long way away. I keep accidentally saying "when I was in Melbourne on the weekend". Hmm.

I think the best plan is to do lots of running over the next few days - pace out the neighbourhood, step by step, once more; re-lay those mental maps. It's a plan!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure if it helps, but we have lived in the Riverland 7 years and I still refer to the wrong towns ie as it was when I lived in the Mid North. When we stay in our place in Adelaide I get really confused.
    Then if we are interstate people ask where we come from and I always have to think hard.
    I WILL NOT say our home is in heaven!!!!!!
