Monday 10 October 2011

New Runners! and a quick stocktake of the important objects in my life

It's that time of year again - new runners! Yippee!

It's such a treat to step out in beautiful, cushioned, supportive footwear that isn't tired and run down (ha ha). Actually, this pair isn't what I'd call 'beautiful' - this avatar of the line I use has gone with hot pink trim and laces; a little loud for me. However, the glorious new-shoe running-on-air feeling is indeed beautiful.

It makes me wonder: are there any other things in my life which could do with a freshening up?

My poor diary is feeling tired and run down, tatty around the edges, thick with inserted papers and staggering under the weight of pencilled appointments, sometimes erased and written over more than once; but opting for a new diary at this time of year wouldn't be easy. I think she's with me 'til the bitter end.

The debate about whether to re-dye my red tie handbag continues. I quite like the sun-bleached look, especially as it highlights the large gathered rose feature, but as I generally try to pair it with bold reds, it doesn't match so well any more. The question is: would the dye take evenly across the cloth? I'm not sure. I think I love it too much to tempt fate.

My wonderful phone is perfect just the way it is. Ditto laptop, my most prized possession.

The large black bag which doubles as laptop carrier and occasional satchel was re-stitched recently, where one corner had started to fray, so it's fine for now. Actually, come to think of it, perhaps the leather could do with some nourishing - might get out the shoe polish and give it a careful once-over.

The burnies (those homemade CDs I keep in the car, because my chocolate-endowing player tends to chew them as well as dirty them) need re-doing. Reckon it could possibly be a Tchaikovsky or Beethoven day tomorrow! Many hours in Melbourne traffic coming up ...

So: minor tweaking; nothing major needed. Certainly nothing that will give me the joy my brand new runners do, as I fly along the pavement. Woo hoo!

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