Thursday 21 July 2011

Celebration of Discipline

Yes, I have shamelessly stolen the title of Richard Foster's iconic book as a heading for this post. (Foster - there's no point in suing me - I have no money.) But the matter of discipline has been on my mind this week, as I've exercised discipline in many different ways - and sometimes, of course, failed to do so!

My "thinking about thinking" has been dominated this week by running. During that 10k event last Sunday, when things got tough, I'd put my head down and repeat what I know is true: "My strength as a runner is that I keep going." A different type of self control was required in recovering from that event.  During Monday's jog, having pushed my body harder and faster than usual the day before, I had to not stretch out into my usual lope, but keep things firmly under wraps: very slow, very steady, nursing that tender calf muscle, just plodding along in order to warm my body up for a very good stretching session afterwards.

Yesterday's discipline was one of busy-ness: I had to be in what my husband and I call "Go Mode", functioning at a high level, in order to get everything done. It was great to reach the end of the day having achieved everything I wanted to do, a long list which ranged from two school visits to remembering to tell the insurance company that I've changed my car number plates over to Victorian ones. (Seventeen weeks, five days today since the move!)

Today, I've had a cancellation, which leaves the whole day open to prepare my tax information for the accountant tomorrow. I loathe accounting! And bookkeeping: Ugh. The discipline required today will be using psychological tricks to actually stay on task and not drift off to other things. I can do this, I will do this; and, as I must do this, it will be done.

Finally, there's that ever-present but oft-ignored pressure which seems to originate about an inch above the base of the back of my neck: "write, Catie, write, Catie, WRITE..." I have a few projects on the go at present, but as the deadlines are wholly internal, the writing simply hasn't been happening. Today, if I can summon the discipline, I should be able to get some good work done on at last one project.

I can savour the pleasure of choosing which piece to work on as I endure my bookkeeping ... think I'll have another cup of tea before starting.

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