Friday 8 July 2011

Half Marathon Training: Four Weeks In

Well, lack of motivation hasn't become an issue - which is fantastic, because as everyone in south eastern Australia knows, the weather has been inclement. (I had been concerned that having started this 'project' with zeal, my motivation might fade a few weeks in.) I'm finding that I continue to genuinely love running, despite the massive increase in training compared to my former routines; the thought of the endorphin rush is enough to get me out the door, sleet and gale force winds notwithstanding. Also, I can be a determined person - OK, "stubborn little bugger" in the vernacular - and once I start a run, I am going to finish it: no matter what!

Took a brief break from training on Sunday/Monday due to some twinges down right leg - clocked up some k's in the local pool instead of risking an injury, and really enjoyed Tuesday's run, even though it incorporated the dreaded sprint intervals *ugh*.

Think my body's completed its major muscle growth period, and it's craving less protein now. Am keeping up protein-rich pre- and post-run snacks, but am not always constantly hungry, a pleasant change from the last few weeks.

Not much other news, except to say that I haven't had any more near misses with cars this week - something I'm very happy about!

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