Friday 29 July 2011

Half Marathon Training: Seven Weeks Down

Seriously, is it really seven weeks since I started to train for this event? Phew! That's almost two months. It's hard to believe it's been that long!

I think I'll put off a major retrospective of stats etc until the two month mark, but it certainly has been gratifying to see an improvement in performance this week, compared to last week. Since last week was something of a recovery period, this is hardly surprising, but pleasing nonetheless.

Highlights of the week: an easy 13km run last Sunday - it was just such a fun run, hills and all, and so wonderful to feel a return to full form after last week's recovery.

Lowlights: um ... definitely yesterday's Fartlek interval training. Ugh. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times (usually when my body starts screaming "WHY? WHY?" as my phone is ordering me in an infuriatingly calm voice to "Increase pace to Yellow Zone for One Minute"): I'm not built for speed. Still, I bow to those who have more knowledge and experience than I do, and submit to this discipline in faith that the pain will provide some gain ... somehow.

Today is the first day in a long time that I've actually felt really happy not to have a run scheduled. Is this a bad sign? I'm not sure. Perhaps it's still a reaction to the trauma of those Fartlek intervals yesterday! But, never fear: I'll be back in those runners and pounding the pavement tomorrow morning. I'm going to do some steep hill climbs, I've decided.

Finally, this is where I spent my lunchtime today, between clients:

This is in a part of Melbourne I've never been to before, and it was really beautiful - a truly refreshing break in the middle of a busy day. Sadly this is too far away to make running here a practical option, but I might treat myself one weekend! So now, lungs full of fresh air and head cleared of cobwebs (though thighs still a little sore), I'm off to work again.

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